I did it. Day Three.

Posted by Bob Merrick On Monday, April 12, 2010 0 comments
It is 10:18pm.

If I weren't the one in my own shoes, I wouldn't have believed it, but I made it through the day. I ate as I was instructed, injected as told and avoided as necessary.

Overall, the day was surprisingly easy. I couldn't tell you if it was because the injections gave me a boost or if I have finally wrapped my mind around the concept that "nothing tastes as good as thin feels".

Around 6pm, was probably my hardest hour. I felt light headed and run down. I drank water and had my dinner. Eventually, I pushed through and have made it through to now.

I am noticing minor hunger pangs, but nothing unbearable. I haven't experience the dreaded detox headache. Does that come tomorrow or have I actually been consuming enough non-processed foods lately that I am not as toxic as one would think?

I guess tomorrow will tell.

Until then, I am calling it an early night. I am choosing to sleep away my weight loss as my stomach shrinks. They say it gets easier as time moves on. For once, I am hoping sleep will help time move on.

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